Monday, July 25, 2011

not every day is peachy

I betcha had no idea that marriage was THIS hard before you took the leap. But I betcha had no idea how rewarding and happy it could be. I started a new part-time job. I really like it and for now it works well or me and my employer. ONE of the benefits is that I work close to my hubbs which allows for occasional lunch dates. And I am one girl that LOVES lunch dates. If I were single I would be on the Its Just Lunch bandwagon. And during the mid-day mentioned date, I found myself laughing really hard alongside my eternal companion. Just a few days earlier we had a little "tift". (which I am sure I am not the only one). And I tend to rate my marriage thermometer via how many "little tifts" we have. Which is SUCH like a girl because I asked the hubbs about this and he thought I was crazy. I mean, I know i am but c'mon! :)
I guess what this blabbering post is about is just how Marriage is really hard. And if when I make my list of priorities I have it on my top 2, then shouldn't I do everything I can to make it a happy one? (like make dinner and iron his work shirts and try to not make everyone late for church EVERY Sunday)

and since it wouldn't be post without a proper picture, THIS book really helped me to put it all in perspective. We women are truly so much more complex than men. Well, at least this woman (read: me) is. Thoughts?


  1. I've heard GREAT things about this book and I need to get it. But I agree marriage isn't easy, but sometimes I think is it just me- i could make it a lot easier if I didn't let those tifts get me. But sometimes they do. BUt when I don't let them bother me it really is not so hard.

  2. This book is terrible. Shouldn't the men in the relationship have to try too? Ugh.

  3. I thought this book was very helpful at the beginning of my marriage. I am facing so REALLY tough times in mine right now, so I am glad you gave me a reminder. I think it is time to dust it off and open it up. Also, as a side note, I don't think it is about the women doing on of the work in the relationship. This book does not give men a right sirk their responsibilities. I feel that if our husbands are treated right they will have more of a desire to treat us right. We are so much happier to serve each other when we are being kind to each other and making sure the other person is happy. There is so much more to it all than making life harder for us women.


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