I know! Boy was I mad/relived/never going to forgive him. When I got home he said "Uhm... I am so so sorry. It was funny when I first thought about it, but then after I called you I realized it was a very bad idea. "
Needless to say, April Fools has been banned in our home. I HATE everything about the holiday. I think it is a mean and pointless day. Since our daughter is getting older and we now have a son, my heart has softened a little bit. Very very little bit. There are rules and guidelines now. No tricks can be played on Mommy. This day turns into a fun day for Hubby and the kids. This mom watches and laughs and tries to not be too negative. I did find a few fun tricks to play though. This one is a new favorite... well, I hope it will be!
What do you do for April Fools Day?
or is it banned from your home too?